applet works fine if I run it locally, but not if it's served from a web server. What gives?
A symptom of this problem might be a message "applet not initialized" at the bottom status bar of the browser window. Make sure you haven't put any required class files into the WEB-INF directory - web servers will not serve any files out of that directory. Move the class files to a publicly accessible directory - the most convenient would be the directory where the HTML file with the applet tag is in.
The problem is that netbeans always moves the .class files to the /class folder when you build a web application , so what should I do I tried this and some variations of this but it wont work
<APPLET code="a/SwingCapture.class" width=350 height=200></APPLET> applet not found
tried SwingCapture.class , /a/SwingCapture.class
<img src="a/sol.jpg" width="1024" height="1024" alt="sol"/> image ok
[ February 09, 2007: Message edited by: jon casari ]