This is a "Prometric horror story" I'm living in now.
- Day 1. -
I bought a voucher, and booked my exam at And then I try to confirm all of this by phone.
So I called the company at number specified, and got no information from young lady on the other side. She has absolutly no idea, what the Prometric is and said, that perhaps I'm calling wrong number. (Of course, the number was right, and I gave up after second call of listening to young lady innocent voice)
The young lady is in fact the only contact mentioned on
All right, I googled the company site, (where you can also find, that anect was given very high ranks from satisfied customers. Nyah, show me one!),.. after few clicks I found a page, with _another conditions!_, which in fact makes my reservation invalid, becuase the date of my exam, and some other facts.
Also it seems, they require to fill another form to sign up the exam.
So what for is the site? Why Sun gave me link to register there to schedule my exam, if it is useless? Is it legal? Is there any connection between "Authorised Prometric
Testing Centre" and Prometric besides name? Is my reservation on valid or I have to obey ANECT?
Although so far I have good experience with Sun and their support, I guess, that I'll hate Prometric and this "Authorised Prometric Testing Centre" for rest of my life.
One may think: I'll go step-by-step and everything will be all right, buy voucher in 5 steps, schedule your exam in another 5. _GET REAL!!_
Seems, that I have no choice, but to cooperate and play their game for now (as they are nearest test centre), otherwise I would already burn ANECT to the ground (with all their ISOs).
(to be continued..)