According to me SCJP Sun Certified Programmer for Java 5 Study Guide
is best i guess..I have gone through it & am very much clear interms of concepts. If you have already cleared 1.4 then for advanced topics in this book are pretty good.
Because you are not a beginner anymore and the SCJP 5 Study Guide is specifically about the SCJP 5 exam (it covers exactly what you need to know for the exam), I'd say the SCJP 5 Study Guide would be a better choice.
Note that Java 5 has a number of new language features (generics, new for-loop syntax, autoboxing, enums, varargs, annotations, ...) you will have to learn some new things.
Originally posted by Tina Jain: I am preparing for Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform, Standard Edition 5.0 Upgrade Exam (CX-310-056), I am already a SCJP for 1.4.
Which book is best for me.
Head First Java, 2nd Edition Or SCJP Sun Certified Programmer for Java 5 Study Guide (Exam 310-055)
Any help will be greatly helpful. Thanks for your help in advance.
hi, I am also giving the SCJP 1.4 exam on this thursday..Is it very tough as compared to the mock exams oin sites like javabeat,jdiscuss,whizlabs etc.?What score is sufficient in mock exam to pass the actual exam?Please guide me with a reply. Thankyou
hi i gave the exam on last saturday .... its is much easier than the mock exams !!! Dont sweat at all !!! ..... According to me what you will get in the actual exam is +10 or -10 of what you get in the mock tests !!