According to K&B, == comparison for two Boolean wrapper objects returns true if they have same value (such as true)
But one question by Dan Chisholm doesn't conform this rule. This is the question:
Question 8
class B {
public static void main(
String[] args) {
Boolean b1 = new Boolean(true);
Boolean b2 = new Boolean(true);
Boolean b3 = new Boolean("TrUe");
Boolean b4 = new Boolean("tRuE");
System.out.print((b1==b2) + ","); //line 5
System.out.print((b1.booleanValue()==b2.booleanValue()) + ",");
What is the result of attempting to compile and run the program?
a. Prints: false,false,false
b. Prints: false,false,true
c. Prints: false,true,false
d. Prints: false,true,true
e. Prints: true,false,false
f. Prints: true,false,true
g. Prints: true,true,false
h. Prints: true,true,true
i. None of the above
And the answer by Dan Chisholm is (d): "false,true,true"
But shouldn't line 5 in above code print true because both Boolean wrapper objects are representing same value (true)?