Thanks one more time, i was a regular member of this forum, and now i have made my SCJP. It's been 5 weeks now that i have written my exam and i cant find or get anything from sun. where is the aproprate place to complain.
Did you verify and confirm your personal data at ? Is the shipping label correct?
My shipping label is changing from time to time, I have no idea why :-). One day I'm from Mexico, other they from South Korea. (You can't edit Country by yourself, so don't blame me)
Originally posted by Juwonlo Ibigbami: ... It's been 5 weeks now that i have written my exam and i cant find or get anything from sun. where is the aproprate place to complain...
It's not unusual for these to take 6-8 weeks, so be patient.
"We're kind of on the level of crossword puzzle writers... And no one ever goes to them and gives them an award." ~Joe Strummer
This will take every ounce of my mental strength! All for a tiny ad:
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