Ref: K&B Chapter 7: Generics and Collections
Question/Answer 16 in page 634:
Given a method declared as:
A programmer wants to use this method like this:
output = process(input);
Which pairs of declarations could be placed at // INSERT DECLARATIONS HERE to allow
the code to compile? (Choose all that apply.)
A. ArrayList<Integer> input = null;
ArrayList<Integer> output = null;
B. ArrayList<Integer> input = null;
List<Integer> output = null;
C. ArrayList<Integer> input = null;
List<Number> output = null;
D. List<Number> input = null;
ArrayList<Integer> output = null;
E. List<Number> input = null;
List<Number> output = null;
F. List<Integer> input = null;
List<Integer> output = null;
G. None of the above.
According to book the answer is B, E and F.
I answered G since they all look like incorrect to me (maybe some more studying with generics).
So i decided to
test: Nothing worked.
See comments in the code.
public class SCJP {
// if you rename return type List<? super E> to List<E> it's compiling
public static <E extends Number> List<? super E> process(List<E> nums){
List <E> l = null; //is this correct?
return l;
public static void main(String[] args){
//answer B
ArrayList<Integer> input = null;
List<Integer> output = null;
output = process(input); // incompatible types says Intellij Idea 7.0.1 if return type is List<? super E>
Can some one please explain me what is correct and what's not. What i'm missing here?