C:\Other Stuff\MyFirst\Threads1.java:10: cannot access Thread bad class file: .\Excerpt from Java.Lang.Thread.java file does not contain class Thread Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct subdirectory of the classpath. Thread T1 = new Thread(r); ^
Seems like you have a file named Thread.java somewhere on your classpath. It's name conflicts with the java.lang.Thread which is implicitly imported in every Java class.
**************************************************************************** I Executed the above program and got the error which am facing for the first time Please help me to resolve this ****************************************************************************
C:\Other Stuff\MyFirst\Excerpt from Java.Lang.Thread.java:3: class Thread is public, should be declared in a file named Thread.java public class Thread implements Runnable ^ C:\Other Stuff\MyFirst\TestMyThread.java:1: cannot access Thread bad class file: C:\Other Stuff\MyFirst\Excerpt from Java.Lang.Thread.java file does not contain class Thread Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct subdirectory of the classpath. class TestMyThread extends Thread { ^
Looks like all you have to do is to remove or rename the file "C:\Other Stuff\MyFirst\Excerpt from Java.Lang.Thread.java" It's name clashes with the Thread class file name.