If Mr.Employer wants loyalty - then he/she had better start showing it.
There is no loyalty / job security AT ALL in the US job market.
So, if I want to go fish - tough sh*t Mr. Employer - I am going fishing. No discussion. And if the Trico hatch (look it up), comes off between 7AM and 10AM - I will be in the office by 10:30AM. And if the Sulphur hatch (look it up) comes off at 4PM - I am out of there by 3:30PM.
Now, if I am treated like a human being - and the pay is decent - and I do not get yelled at for tying flies at my desk - then we can work something out.
I actually got screamed at by some b*tch at EDS for tying flies at my desk on a Saturday afternoon - while doing production support. Note: Flies are tied with materials like feathers /
thread / glass beads - not real insect parts (in case you are wondering).
Again, I understand deadlines. Sorry, this is not McDonald's or Burger King. I've invested 8 years of my life - probably US$100K in tution and 8 years of lost wages. Show me some respect and maybe you will get some in return.
Remember, the game goes both ways.
John Coxey
Time for your fishing lesson. This board is informative as well as educational.
FYI: Tricos - are a black mayfly that swarm by the tens of thousands and lay their eggs and die on the stream. Trout love them. They hatch between July 4th and September 15th in the morning housrs. Maddening, as these are very very tiny flies (size 24 in PA).
FYI: Sulphurs - are orange/yellow (hence the name sulphur) mayflies that hatch/mate/lay their eggs on stream. Again, trout love them. Not nearly as dense of a hatch as the Tricos. They hatch in the evening - and stop about 30 minutes after dark. From mid-May to mid-June. Fun and easy to fish - medium size fly - (size 14/16 in PA).
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