I have registered to the forum few months back, but I am not acquainted with the usage.
I guess it is my first post!
Can anyone tell me where will I learn about how to post doubts, get the queries solved, reply to the posts and so on�
I know I will learn it eventually, but just want to know whether there is some guideline provided for better usage of the forum.
I have registered for the
SCJP 6 exam today morning!
It is on 28th of this month!!!
(28 JUNE, 2008). I am in my final year of Computer Science in Nasik, India and very good with programming.
Yesterday, after talking with my friend who is SCJP 1.4 certified and after overlooking the topics in Khalid Mughal and Rolf Rasmussen I registered for the exam.
To my shock, the SCJP 6 syllabus is far wider in scope as compared to what I saw for SCJP 1.4 yesterday!!!
I also overlooked the question paper given in KM & RR book mentioned above, but the entire format of paper for SCJP 5 that I am seeing now is entirely different and much more difficult!
I need to be SCJP (at least 5 and not 1.4!!!) certified before 30th of this month for a very golden job opportunity and I really can�t miss the chance.
I have purchased the book SCJP 5 Study Guide by Kathy Sierra and Bert Bates and have finished reading the introduction.
I have just talked with Whizlabs and I am going to purchase the preparation kit for SCJP6 which can happen only on Monday.
I am under horror and very nervous.
Can anybody guide me or help me out.
Should I be constantly on javaranch or should I stick to KS & BB book. (There�s no book available for SCJP 6 in my city.)
Should I go for whizlabs? Money is not that important point, but will it help me?
For now, I just want to pass the exam somehow and only 5 days are left!!!