The wrapper classes are listed across the top of the table. Each column shows whether that wrapper has the methods listed down the left side of the table. The parseXxx methods refer to the static methods which convert a
String to a the primitive type associated with that wrapper. The Xxx is the primitive type that is returned (only capitalized to fit the
Java naming conventions). If you are looking at the Float column, the method would be parseFloat(); If you are looking at the Integer column, the method would be parseInt(). If the wrapper has that method, there will be an "X" in the appropriate row for that column. So if you look at the row for the method doubleValue(), you will see that the Boolean wrapper class does not have that method, but the Byte wrapper class does.
[As an aside, the Java 6 version of K&B is out and has sufficient revisions to make the page numbers different. It would be helpful to note which edition of the book you are referencing.]