Hi All,
I am basically creating two threads and giving both the threads, the same job. Now in the run method, I am checking the
thread name and joining it to another thread. But I am getting errors. Can someone tell me why? Also, since I am using a synchronized block in the run method and since join keeps the lock, I believe even if I succeed with the compilation process, it will cause a deadlock. Because say if thread t1 entered the run method and I do, t2.join, then t1 is waiting for t2 to complete but has the lock and t2 is waiting for the lock. Am I correct? I am providing the code.
1). Why won't the above code compile?
2). Am I correct that if the code would have compiled, it would lead to a deadlock?
3). How can I call join on t1 from t2 or join on t2 from t1 without causing a deadlock in the above situation?
[ September 15, 2008: Message edited by: Arjun Reddy ]