posted 17 years ago
One possibility is to make the notes overlap - call noteOff() on the first note only after calling noteOn() on the previous note. For some instruments this may help blend the notes together more smoothly.
Another possibility is to use MidiChannel's setPitchBend() to gradually increase or decrease the pitch. Unfortunately there are limitations:
It affects the whole channel at once, so if you want any polyphony (as in my above suggestion) you'll need to play different notes on different channelsIt's not clear how far up or down the different settings modulate the tone; you may need to experiment.There's a maximum range you can bend up or down - typically two semitones. For a glissando across a larger range, you'd need to mix with other notes and channels.
Still, it might be worth trying this as one way to help smooth out the glissando.
I'll be interested to hear what works for you, if anything.
[ October 23, 2007: Message edited by: Jim Yingst ]
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