I'm parsing HTML pages from a web site. I use this piece of code:
URL url = new URL(urlStr);
content = url.openStream();
'urlStr' is
String type and I mount it before. I've discovered that I got and HTTP 400 error (malformed url exception I think) when I use spaces inside the URL, i.e:
http://www.yahoo.es?section=user mail&index=5
I've changed the code to change spaces by '%20':
urlStr = StringUtils.replace(urlStr," ","%20");
URL url = new URL(urlStr);
content = url.openStream();
and now works fine. My question is if there's a way (method, class...) that could validate URL formats and change invalid chars like spaces (in this case) to understandable chars and format to do the 'url.openStream()' in any case.
Thanks in advance.