Originally posted by Rufus BugleWeed:
L-1's don't have to be paid a competitive wage.
That explains why we are not getting jobs these days even though we do in interview 95% correctly. They dont hire you because you didn't answer one question correct. They say that particular skill is required.
I think a person should be hired if the do the interview 95% correctly.
The hiring managers prefer L-1 guys as they can pay very less money to those guys .
Now its not the fault of hiring managers. It is the fault of the L-1 Visa.
When you have 2 cars . You would buy the cheapest car that serves your purpose. if the rate it almost 60% less than the other car. Which car would you buy???
Corporate america is abusing americans with the Visa system. There should be some proper regulations that the law makers should enforce as soon as possible.