The data is suposed to be transmitted over RS232 using java. on the receving end C language will read this data frame and decode it to get only DATA. To send it through RS232 it is requirement to form a data packet i.e data frames in the format I have described above.
I would imagine that any data could be sent over a serial connection. Does the documentation of whichever library you're using mention anything about limitations in what you can send? [ October 20, 2008: Message edited by: Ulf Dittmer ]
Actually problem is not sending data over serial communication. That I have already done. I want the actual data to be transfered into data packet format like |Header | Message Id | Data Lenght | Data | CRC |Fotter|. So how to do this. I could think of using byte[] array. But is it right?
I wasn't selected to go to mars. This tiny ad got in ahead of me: