Hi all, When i am doing a DB update in JSP Application, the fields updated in db is not shown in the jsp page when going to the same page after updating.Only after refreshing the page, the updated details are shown.Can anyone suggest me how this problem can be solved. Thanks in Advance. Yegappan.
Try putting a bit of javascript at the top of the page that will cause the page to be refreshed each time it is visited. -- I'm not sure of the exact javascript code, but I'm sure you can post something in the javascript forum and someone will be able to give you an idea of how do it.
It's easier than that. The problem is that your browser is caching the page. You simply have to include code in the JSP to turn off caching. One solution (for HTTP 1.1 I believe) is to include < % response.addHeader("pragma", "No-Cache"); % > in your code. Kyle