Hi Donald, if i got your question right this should be a possible solution:
1. After running the query on JSPA ,U 'll want
to store the resultset somewhere,say
an object that mimicks(ResultSetMetadata) or CachedRowSet.OR: if U are coupling Ur Database operations to your JSP by using this:
//Looping thru your resultset
2.Then as U loop thru your resultset,for each record get the unique ID for each row as U display the data U are interested in.then,store the ID in a variable,say :
String varID=resultSetRef.getInt("Id")
3.For each row ,U want to display a link
using say :
<A href="FormHandlerName"?fieldName=varID> Select </A>
4. After this page is submitted to FormHandlerName, fieldName goes with the request and U can get on your destination page(request.getParameter("fieldName")) after using say Ur forward() method in FormHandlerName.
a. Links are handled by doGet() method
servlets if that is Ur formhandler/controller
b.U can call a doGet() from a doPost() and vice-versa
3.There are many ways around this problem depending on Ur design .