I am trying to determine if I am using the model-view-controller (MVC)
pattern correctly. I have a web application which uses JSPs and JavaBeans (no EJBs). The user must login to the application. After doing so, 99% of the user's activity is read-only. That is, the user selects an item to view greater detail on and can see various levels of detail. The only user entry is for a few profile settings. I am not using
servlets because I didn't want the address bar in the browser to display the long path and not be updated to the appropriate
jsp page name. The only places that servlets should probably be used are when the user logs in and changes his profile settings.
All of my database connectivity is done in a single
java bean class in my package. Each method of this java bean class (Service.java) accesses a different stored procedure in Sybase. The data from the stored procedure is returned to the calling JSP in a Vector,
String, or another java bean. The JSP displays the data and relies on styles in a linked CSS file for the presentation. Some JSPs use tag libraries to help with the display. I am in the process of using the tag libraries through more places in the JSPs.
I would like to know if this is an acceptable manner of using MVC. My company is in the early stages of migrating to WebSphere Portal Server (WPS) and I've been told that WPS relies heavily on
Struts. While investigating Struts, I've found that Struts relies heavily on MVC. I've been doing some reading on MVC but haven't found any concrete examples of how to implement MVC. Most of the articles just define what the MVC elements are.
Any hints at MVC and Struts are greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.
By the way, I put this in the JSP forum because I couldn't find a portal forum.