what you have there checks that the user has entered something, rather than checking it is a number. also you have some redundent code:
if ((clothingMon == null) || (clothingMon!= null && clothingMon.equals("")) ||
you can take out the clothingMon!= null && part because when the first part evaluates to true the rest of the expression will no be evaluated and if the first part is false then you dont have a problem. so just use
if ((clothingMon == null) || clothingMon.equals("") ||
to check they have entered numbers you need to try and convert it to an int like this
int iClothingMon =Integer.parseInt(clothingMon);
int iClothingTue = Integer.parseInt(clothingTue);
}catch(Exception e)
// print out some other error like "you didnt enter all numbers"
you may want to use JavaScript in the HTML to check it before hand but always do it through JSP code aswell so that they can't bypass the checks. i wouldn't both with JavaScrip though