Thanks Frank,
I tried the example you gave and it didn't work.
Maybe I should explain a bit better what I'm trying to do.
Basically, the path variable is used to pass the current location into the page header (i.e. sPath = "Books > Technical") which is then output in the header text. I'm basically trying to give the header some text before it loads, but the text is not something that can be hard-coded on the page - it very much depends on the way the page is called.
i.e. this works:
<jsp:include page="../includes/adminheader.jsp">
aram name="path" value="Books > Technical" />
but isn't practical.
In ASP you can simply share variables between included pages - I was using the parameter feature to try to mimic this:
example page:
sPath = "Books > Technical"
<#include admin header page here>
example admin header:
Basically, the sPath variable is shared as if the admin header and example page were in the same application scope.
I hope this makes a bit more sense.
Thanks a lot for your help.