Originally posted by Nitin Jawarkar:
You need to add the context path in server.xml file which is located in /tomcat5.x/conf/ means whatever you have create folder just add the name of that folder in context path, it look like this
No, that is
false. You don't need to add a context entry to server.xml. In fact for Tomcat 5x and up, the documentation recommends NOT doing so.
All you need to do to create a webapp is:
Create a folder under TOMCAT_HOME/webapps.
In that folder create another folder called WEB-INF (case-sensitive).
That's it.
You should also add a web.xml file to the WEB-INF directory.
You can copy the one from TOMCAT_HOME/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF and remove the servlet/jsp entries.
I've published some simple servlet/jsp examples that you can play with if you like.
http://simple.souther.us All you need to do is download the war files to your webapps directory and they will run. They all have the proper directory structure.