am working on a
JSP which has static content hardcoded into it
I wanna replace that static content,so i have kept the messages into the properties file.
eg:in the properties file
equipments.text.compatible_equipment= compatible equipments
and now I have crfeated an Interface in
Java and declared constanstants equating to these keys
public static final
String EQUIPMENT_COMPATIBLE="equipments.text.compatible_equipment";
now in the jsp page;
I'm importing the interface
the existing page contains:
<b>Compatible equipments</b>
I want to have something like this
<b><bean:message key="<%=interfacename.EQUIPMENT_COMPATIBLE%>" /></b>
but my problem is
even after importing struts-bean
the tag is not working
i have placed the properties file and the interface in the required place acc to my application
so can i use <c
ut> tag :if so how can it be implemented in the given scenario
or can i use <fmt:message tag>
and does this work with the resource bundles
which i am using with the struts-bean tld in my other pages
have more doubt..if i'm using
struts framework,then can i use the JSTL tag library for the internationalization,i mean if i have defines all the messages in a property file of my application
and if for only one page i wanna use the internationaliza the static content
is this possible
thanks in advance