I was going through HFSJ, i came across this tag <error-code> in web.xml, I developed a
JSP page ErrorPage.jsp and assigned it to <error-code> as follows.
Code Snippets
In my JSP page i tried to open a non-existent page and expecting a 404 error, which should have proceeded through to ErrorPage.jsp, but instead it is showing the page cannot be displayed. When I remove the above code from web.xml i am able to view 404 error. I am pasting the ErrorPage.jsp and the code to access the non-existent page.
<%@ page isErrorPage="true" %>
<strong> Bummer.</strong>
<img src="images/Web.jpg">
Jsp code to access the non-existent page.
<form action="inputAction.jsp" name="HelloForm">
<Script language="JAVASCRIPT">
document.HelloForm.submit() ;