Boy, i am getting some unexpected results..
probably you guys can throw some light on this matter
In one of the
JSP pages i have all the display with
java scriptlets, JSP tags and all..
At the end i am looking forward to include the result from a
Servlet(which actually includes a JSP at the end using RequestDispatcher).
So i put something like
at the
end of the JSP (the first JSP , not the one included by the servlet)
what is really happening is, the result from this servlet is included in the middle of the JSP and not at the end. That is weird.
In the middle of a table, in one of the columns, i have the complete response of the servlet.
Infact it got split up like this
<TD wi
// the JSP included by the servlet
dth > something </TD> // Look the way
word 'width' is broken ..!!!
What is going wrong ??
alot for your ideas
PS: Is there any work around for this , or am i going wrong somewhere