Originally posted by trupti nigam:
I couldn't find more appropriate forum to post my message,hence posting it here.
I have Eclipse3.01 and Jbuilder10.0.177.0. versions on my PC. I am using Eclipse and find it more comfortable. but from resume point of view which is better? I have used Jbuilder too earlier but version4.0.
In the new project I have been using eclipse and I got the jbuilder few days back. I have done the configuration etc etc.
but for some reason find eclipse more comfortable than Jbuilder. I think it's the question of "getting used to it".But still would like to have a opinion from resume point of view.
No single
IDE will give you a leg up. What employers often want is experience with the exact system that they currently use or plan to use next week. This is impossible to keep up with, so
you should probably be familiar with a couple of IDE's and a command line build system such as
ANT or make.