posted 17 years ago
Consider the following code:
ArrayList list1 = new ArrayList();
ArrayList list2 = new ArrayList();
ArrayList list3 = new ArrayList();
list1.add(0, "list1-row1");
list1.add(1, "list1-row2");
list1.add(2, "list1-row3");
list2.add(0, "list2-row1");
list3.add(2, "list3-row3"):
HashMap map = new HashMap();
map.put("List1", list1);
map.put("List2", list2);
map.put("List3", list3);
request.setAtttribute("MAP", map);
forwarding to the jsp-page...
If I in a jsp-page wanted to print out the first rows the three arrays, how could that be achieved? I.e. retrieve only one element per iteration per array. I just can't get this to work..
[ September 17, 2007: Message edited by: Bear Bibeault ]