Hi All,
Thank you for such a wonderful forum. Here is my question
Want to pass info from site1c.com to site2.com :
(user) --> site1.com (for authentication) --> site2.com (for content browsing)
I have a website called site1.com,
which authenticates the user package the user info (userid, email) and encrypt into a variable.
Now I need to pass this (encrypted
string) information to another site site2.com (completely different domain, a third party site). site2.com know how to decrypt and validate the token information.
Trying to pass though HTTP Header, but Failed:
I have been thinking of passing this variable (Token) through HTTP Headers (as a HTTP header variable). But, I wasn't able to do this. I used this code:
response.addHeader("MS-TOKEN", "testing token value");
I can see the header variables getting to browser, but they are missing into "site2.com" request from the browser. (I used Charles to see the request/response info.)
Any other Ideas, please:
My sites (source, target) being in two different domains, I think we're having few options.
Can you pls. suggest other alternatives? which one of the following is better one?
Browser Redirect with GET parameters -- users can see the parameters, but its encrypted anyway.
Browser redirect with POST parameters -- using
java script to auto submit the form information to site2.com. if JS is disabled, it may fail to auto submit.
Cookie -- since these two are different domains, cookie may not be passed between the domains (i.e., setting cooke from site1.com and passing it to site2.com).