My problem is like this- I am storing image in MySQL database and now i have to retrieve those image on my JSP page. I am able to retrieve those image on JSP page but the problem is that i cant fix those size. Image is being retrieved in their original format only. Can anyone tell me how can i put them in fixed format???
Can you please post some of your code, and the format of the images in the database and the "FIXED" format to be displayed in jsp ? That will help us a lot to how it can be solved?
Thanks and Regards
Omkar Patkar (SCJP 1.4)[url][/url] | [url][/url]
You appear to be mixing HTML tags with binary image data. Think about it! When a browser sees an IMG tag it starts a separate request to get the image data only.
Serving binary data should be done from a servlet, JSP is for character data. The response outputStream is trying to send character data.
MANY MANY posts on this forum have covered this problem, do some searching.
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