Another alternative would be to use 'friendly' urls, like: rather than It makes the URLs easier to read and gets rid of the query string, but makes it a bit more complicated to put them in/pull them out of the URL. They must be ordered (if you couldn't do /context/1/Steven/displayage.jsp if the page expected /context/Steven/1/displayage.jsp) and you would need to implement a control structure that can correctly parse the URL, pull out the parameters then forward to the proper display. Not a big issue if you are
using a FrontController.
For small number of parameter name/value pairs the difference is minimal (as you can see above, but for large number of name/value pairs the difference is large.
(I have also seen 'friendly' urls written as:<param value 1>/<param value 2> instead of<param value 1>/<param value 2>/displaypage.jsp I guess because it makes it easier to parse out the directory structure of where the displaypage.jsp page is... not sure which is preferred or normal, but I like the having the displaypage.jsp at the end...)