I have an oracle installed on my solaris system. Recently, I downloaded a
jdbc driver oracle8i
from the oracle site and encounted the following problems
when using prepareStatement:
If the sql Statement has two table join, using setString
will not work(no any exception caught, but did not get any
data from db). If the parameter values were hard-coded
insided the sql statement instead of using setString, the
prepareStatement.executeQuery() will get some data returned
from the database. I also tried the jdbc driver for oracle 8.1.7
and got the same result. When I switched back to my old
classes111.zip(not for and 8.1.7), everything is ok.
But the old classes111.zip will not support jdbc20 features.
Can anybody tell me what are problems and how to solve those?
Your help is greatly appreciated!
p.s. both jdk1.2.2/lib and jdbc/classes12.zip are set in the CLASSPATH.
//test code
import java.sql.*;
public class driverTest
public static void main(
String[] args)
PreparedStatement ps = null;
Connection my_conn = null;
//load the driver class
// making a conn through the Drivermanager
my_conn =DriverManager.getConnection
racle:thin:@myDbServer", userId, password);
ps = my_conn.prepareStatement(
"SELECT a.column1 " +
"from TableA a, TableB b " +
"where a.comColume = b.comColumn " +
"and a.col2 = ? " +
"and a.col3 = ? ");
ps.setString(1, "value1");
ps.setString(2, "values");
ResultSet rs =ps.executeQuery();
while (rs.next()) {
System.out.println(" ***return the following from db");
System.out.println(" column1 = " + rs.getString(1));
catch(ClassNotFoundException cnfe)
catch(SQLException sqle)
finally {
try { if(ps != null) ps.close(); }
catch (SQLException sqle) {
System.out.println("Error closing ps. " + sqle.getMessage());
try { if(my_conn != null) my_conn.close();
System.out.println("Connection closed.");
catch(SQLException sqle) {
System.out.println("Error closing database connection. " + sqle.getMessage());