Originally posted by Vani Prabakaran:
I have created the remote and home interfaces, bean class and compiled them successfully. I created the *DD.ser file also. I am getting the following message when I issued the command "java weblogic.ejbc *DD.ser":
"Interface *Home of class *HomeImpl not found"
"Interface *Remote of class *BeanEIImpl not found".
Here I am referring * as the name I provided. Since the classes it complains are created by the above command I don't know how to fix it.
Can anyone please help me solving this?
I am using weblogic 4.5.1.
Hi V,
Copy the whole package cantaining class files into your weblogic/classes dir and run the ejbc...
java weblogic.ejbc -d weblogic/classes yourdir/..BeanDD.ser
then you will get the required output(ie all the stubs,skeletons and the .ser files)....