This is what you do to learn how to deploy.
As you said u do have BEA server then go BEAHOME\examples\ejb
(where BEAhome is where u intalled server on your system)
underneath this folder there will there are four folder each for different kind of EJB (like stateless, statefull etc.) they have given the complete EJB and check build.cmd to see how he creates the EJb and deploys it
Mind you he does not explain hot deployment.
Normal process is this.
1. Stop the server.
2. set enviorment like BEAHOME\setenv.cmd
3. Execute the build.cmd file to create the files then change the properties file in BEAHOME\weblogic to deploy the EJB and then
4. start the weblogic server by executing startweblogic.cmd
This will get u started on how to deploy the EJBs.
If you need any clarification e-mail me at