The below exception is comming from both Oralce and AS40. My Application run fine if it is restarted. Currently the application is running on AIX, WAS4.0 and
Java 1.2 is used to develop.
After a few days, suddely the Application gets hung and stops functioning and when I see the Log Files I get the below error. Iam not able to figure it out.
Please let e know why this error comes and how to fix and What is the reason for this error.
Can Anybody Please help me.
From Oracle Connectivity log file
Wed Jun 14 18:03:30 MST 2006: ConnectionPool: connectionReaper: checking if connection is stale
Wed Jun 14 18:03:30 MST 2006: ConnectionPool: is connection stale
Wed Jun 14 18:03:30 MST 2006: ConnectionPool: isConnectionStale: connectionStalenessTime returning true
Wed Jun 14 18:03:30 MST 2006: ConnectionPool: isConnectionPool: stale = true
Wed Jun 14 18:03:30 MST 2006: ConnectionPool: connectionReaper: connection is stale
Wed Jun 14 18:03:30 MST 2006: ConnectionPool: removeFromPool:
jdbcracle:thin:@ ::0
Wed Jun 14 18:03:48 MST 2006: Refreshing connection: Initial Size: = 1
Wed Jun 14 18:03:48 MST 2006: ConnectionPool: i=0 con=com.honeywell.connectionmanager.JDBCConnection@35d44bbc
Wed Jun 14 18:03:48 MST 2006: ConnectionPool: removed element 0 from conn vector
Wed Jun 14 18:03:48 MST 2006: ConnectionPool: close of 0 completed: jdbc:oracle:thin:@
Wed Jun 14 18:03:48 MST 2006: Refreshing connection: size = 0
Wed Jun 14 18:03:48 MST 2006: ConnectionPool: addConnectionToPool: maxPoolSize = 25
Wed Jun 14 18:03:48 MST 2006: ConnectionPool: addConnectionToPool: minRequiredPoolSize = 0
Wed Jun 14 18:03:48 MST 2006: ConnectionPool: addConnectionToPool: additional connection to the pool
Wed Jun 14 18:03:48 MST 2006: ConnectionPool: addConnectionToPool(): additional connection to the pool:jdbc:oracle:thin:@ Vector size=1
Wed Jun 14 18:03:48 MST 2006: Refreshing connection: After adding new con, size = 1
Wed Jun 14 18:06:01 MST 2006: ConnectionPool: removeFromPool: SQLException : java.sql.SQLException: Io exception: A remote host did not respond within the timeout period.: A remote host did not respond within the timeout period.
Error from the AS400 Connection Logs
ue Jun 13 19:03:31 MST 2006: Refreshing connection: After adding new con, size = 1
Tue Jun 13 19:33:29 MST 2006: ConnectionPool: connectionReaper: minpoolsize=0 conn.size()=1
Tue Jun 13 19:33:29 MST 2006: ConnectionPool: connectionReaper: checking if connection is stale
Tue Jun 13 19:33:29 MST 2006: ConnectionPool: is connection stale
Tue Jun 13 19:33:29 MST 2006: ConnectionPool: isConnectionStale: connectionStalenessTime returning true
Tue Jun 13 19:33:29 MST 2006: ConnectionPool: isConnectionPool: stale = true
Tue Jun 13 19:33:29 MST 2006: ConnectionPool: connectionReaper: connection is stale
Tue Jun 13 19:33:29 MST 2006: ConnectionPool: removeFromPool: jdbc:as400://;libraries=APIYLIBRNo ::0
Tue Jun 13 19:33:29 MST 2006: ConnectionPool: connectionReaper: all the connections are closed.
Tue Jun 13 19:33:31 MST 2006: Refreshing connection: Initial Size: = 0
Tue Jun 13 19:33:31 MST 2006: Refreshing connection: size = 0
Tue Jun 13 19:33:31 MST 2006: ConnectionPool: addConnectionToPool: maxPoolSize = 25
Tue Jun 13 19:33:31 MST 2006: ConnectionPool: addConnectionToPool: minRequiredPoolSize = 0
Tue Jun 13 19:33:31 MST 2006: ConnectionPool: addConnectionToPool: additional connection to the pool
Tue Jun 13 19:33:31 MST 2006: ConnectionPool: addConnectionToPool: SQLException : java.sql.SQLException: The application requester cannot establish the connection.(A remote host refused an attempted connect operation.)jdbc:as400://;libraries=APIYLIBR
Tue Jun 13 19:52:56 MST 2006: JDBCConnection: getConnection: pooling a new connection.
Tue Jun 13 19:52:56 MST 2006: ConnectionPool: getConnection: SQLException: java.sql.SQLException: The application requester cannot establish the connection.(A remote host refused an attempted connect operation.)
Tue Jun 13 19:57:24 MST 2006: JDBCConnection: getConnection: pooling a new connection.
Tue Jun 13 19:57:24 MST 2006: JDBCConnection: getConnection: using new connection #: jdbc:as400://;libraries=API
Tue Jun 13 19:57:24 MST 2006: JDBCConnection: getConnection: Size of the pool=1
Tue Jun 13 19:57:26 MST 2006: JDBCConnection: getConnection: reusing connection #0
Tue Jun 13 20:03:29 MST 2006: ConnectionPool: connectionReaper: minpoolsize=0 conn.size()=1
Tue Jun 13 20:03:29 MST 2006: ConnectionPool: connectionReaper: checking if connection is stale
Tue Jun 13 20:03:29 MST 2006: ConnectionPool: is connection stale
Tue Jun 13 20:03:29 MST 2006: ConnectionPool: isConnectionStale: connectionStalenessTime returning true
Tue Jun 13 20:03:29 MST 2006: ConnectionPool: isConnectionPool: stale = true
Tue Jun 13 20:03:29 MST 2006: ConnectionPool: connectionReaper: connection is stale
Tue Jun 13 20:03:29 MST 2006: ConnectionPool: removeFromPool: jdbc:as400://;libraries=APIYLIBRNo ::0
Tue Jun 13 20:03:29 MST 2006: ConnectionPool: connectionReaper: all the connections are closed.
Another Problem I have is I also find this error in one of the Log File
Here is the error details below. I would like to know when and y this error comes ad how to Fix it.
6/16/06 19:10:21:992 MST] 12b22d3 StaleConnecti A CONM7007I: Mapping the following SQLException, with ErrorCode -99,999 and SQLState 08001, to a StaleConnectionException: java.sql.SQLException: The application requester cannot establish the connection.(A remote host refused an attempted connect operation.)
[6/16/06 19:20:21:956 MST] 78a22f1 StaleConnecti A CONM7007I: Mapping the following SQLException, with ErrorCode -99,999 and SQLState 08001, to a StaleConnectionException: java.sql.SQLException: The application requester cannot establish the connection.(A remote host refused an attempted connect operation.)
[6/16/06 19:30:22:471 MST] 204de123 StaleConnecti A CONM7007I: Mapping the following SQLException, with ErrorCode -99,999 and SQLState 08001, to a StaleConnectionException: java.sql.SQLException: The application requester cannot establish the connection.(A remote host refused an attempted connect operation.)
[6/16/06 19:40:23:937 MST] 12b22d3 StaleConnecti A CONM7007I: Mapping the following SQLException, with ErrorCode -99,999 and SQLState 08001, to a StaleConnectionException: java.sql.SQLException: The application requester cannot establish the connection.(A remote host refused an attempted connect operation.)
[6/16/06 19:50:24:214 MST] 320da13f StaleConnecti A CONM7007I: Mapping the following SQLException, with ErrorCode -99,999 and SQLState 08001, to a StaleConnectionException: java.sql.SQLException: The application requester cannot establish the connection.(A remote host refused an attempted connect operation.)
[6/16/06 20:00:24:258 MST] 204de123 StaleConnecti A CONM7007I: Mapping the following SQLException, with ErrorCode -99,999 and SQLState 08001, to a StaleConnectionException: java.sql.SQLException: The application requester cannot establish the connection.(A remote host refused an attempted connect operation.)