In my
JSP (the one that post the chinese characters) I've got :
In my servlet (where the text is outputed) I've got :
before retreiving the value of the field from the JSP.
And I also have :
But I'm able to display the chinese text that I just posted (with a request.getParameter(), it's when I try to print the text directly from the DB that it doesn't work. So I guess the problem is probably witht he Insert or with the Select in the DB.
Everything is UTF-8...
Here is a bit of code from my Servlet in the doPost method :
I get the following results :
- the
string textFromDb1 displays as question marks in the browser
- the string "orgText" displays correctly in the browser
My connection string is :
My driver is :
Is there any settings in SQL Server to say that it should use UTF-8 ? Maybe it's not really UTF-8.. I don't know..
[ March 02, 2007: Message edited by: Sacha Beaulieu ]