Hi Jimi,
I don't have tons of time right now, but I'll do a quicky:
Yes, EJB can do connections to DBs on different servers, hence "distributed architecture". I (or others) can explain this later. See:
http://java.sun.com/j2ee/compatibility.html and
http://java.sun.com/products/ejb/ for starters to help get up to speed. Also, check out the Bunkhouse for the latest and greatest books on these subjects
http://www.javaranch.com/books.jsp !
Tiers: Generally you start out in three tiers (for web applications), and as things get bigger and more complex you add tiers.
First tier = client. On the client side, basically all you want to do is capture the data and present the results. Client can get more complex and "heavier" is you want to maintain state, but this will do for now. Generally consists of HTML, and when you use JSPs or
servlets, this tier may get broken up a little.
Second tier = business logic. In a three tier arch. you want to have all of your business logic in one place - here! Think EJB - see the links above and search on these items.
Third tier = databases, legacy apps, etc. These are accessed by the second tier (middle tier) to access data etc.
N-tier and Multi-servers is not the same. I don't know exactly what is implied by Multi-server, can you be more specific. But anyway, N-tier is generally thought as more than three tiers.
Hope this helps!
Best Regards,
[This message has been edited by Matt Midcap (edited February 21, 2001).]