Hello. if anybody has a minute, this is probably more of a SQL conceptual thing rather than
JDBC (although that's the vehicle) but I've been kinda messing around with it. If I am inserting sequentially into multiple tables with subsets of data from a single record of origin...say...
Insert A,B,C into Table1;
Insert D,E,F into Table2;
is there a way to try to take the "sequential" out of it...my worry comes from possible data corruption if the first insert (A,B,C) goes through but the second insert (D,E,F) throws an overflow say.
If the data is to remain in the tables, I guess I could always do a SELECT to check if the subset data is already loaded into that particular table if the error is resolved and the original record is reentered into the insert queue...or better yet store a field or something in the original record, say a list of the successfuly inserted table names, and just reference that field on a reload...
...but...if there is a stored procedure or something continually processing/cleaning out Table1 and Table2, there could be problems with partial loads of records on the destination side. Thats sorta my major hitch with this...has anybody dealt with something like this...i don't really see anything that can be done. With a single table, no problem, the insert fails and nothing goes...but this multiple table thing...
welp, thank you for reading this.