I would like to develop a small size web app(3-5 screens) that needs to access DB2 table in the backend..
What should be the technology used..
JSP/Servlets/java beans
Here how does the database connection happens
What is the architecture diagram look like? like presentation layer/business logic layer/data access layer etc..
JSP/Servlets/EJB - Does it need
EJB for a small size app..
Please advise..
PS. I would like to know different combinations of architecture designs for various types of web applications like small, medium and large applications..
can someone guide me thru this.. i am being exposed to web technologies recently and would know JSP/Servlets only..
Presentation Layer - JSP/Servlets
Business Logic Layer -
Java Beans
Data Access layer -
Subba S
[ July 02, 2008: Message edited by: subba Sathi ]