Originally posted by harmandeep singh saini:
First thanks Scott Selikoff for your response.
Yes i know how JDBC-ODBC bridge works in java.
Actually i am making an entity ejb bean(BMP).In this the primary key i am using is a class. But the problem is i don't know how to store this class(i.e Object) in the access database.
I know how to store the other data types like int,double,String etc through java in access database,but i don't know how to store java classes.
Any reason you chose Access? I know developers don't always get to make choices of technologies themselves, but unless someone told you too (and they can justify why) I'd swap to a proper database. Entity Beans are an "enterprise" technology, Access and the JDBC-ODBC bridge most definately are not.
Also, why are you doing
anything with an Entity Bean? Unless it is out of some perverse curiousity, or again unless someone has mandated it, I wouldn't bother. Entity Beans are flawed (see numerous discussions in the EJB and ORM forums).
Not exactly a helpful response I know - so feel free to tell me that you just have to and I'll shut up. I just hate seeing people waste time struggling with what are bad choices of technology in the first place.
[ August 22, 2008: Message edited by: Paul Sturrock ]