I want to send e-mails to our clients from
java application.
My problem is i have to invoke the netscape messenger from my application. I did that(using
mailto:// command). I don't want to use Javamail API,because i have to invoke the Messenger at client side.
I have to transfer the form data to corresponding fields in Netscape messenger(like TO,CC,BCC,SuBJECT,BODY).I am transering data in text format,but i have to send data in html format.
How can i set the Formating data as Text/html in the Netscape Messenger. (Server side we know that using MIME type).
In my case i don't know how to set text/html format.
If any one have experience in this, please let me know.
I will be greatly appeciate.
Thankx in advanch.