Hi to all I have a simple problem with
EJB what i wanted is to get the reference of another Enterprise bean I have used this code in my Bean class
Context con = new InitialContext()
Context enviroment = (Context) con.lookup("java:comp/env/nameofbean");
otherBeanHome home = (otherBeanHome) enviroment.lookup("name");
i have already set the reference area in the deployment tool however when i ran it it throws an exception NoClassDefError
I tried another code to call the other bean like
Context con = new InitialContext();
Object objectRef = con.lookup("name");
otherBeanHome home = (OtherBeanHome) PortableRemoteObject.narrow(objectRef, otherBeanHome.class);
otherBean bean = home.create();
this code still throws the NoClassDefError could somebody pls help me by explaining what i should do to get an reference of another enterprise bean. I am using the j2sdkee1.3 server
Thanks in advance
Thanks Chris
[This message has been edited by Chris Chua (edited August 27, 2001).]