Hello all, I need to have a finder method which will bring the result by joining of two tables. Eg select T1.*, T2.* from Order T1 Customer T2 where T1.id = T2.id Is there a facility to write such a finder in websphere 4.0? Thanks & Have a nice day, Samir
Not in Container Managed Persistence, there isn't. In Bean Managed Persistence, of course you can write any SQL you like in your ejbFind... methods. Kyle ------------------ Kyle Brown, Author of Enterprise Java (tm) Programming with IBM Websphere See my homepage at http://members.aol.com/kgb1001001 for other WebSphere information.
Hi Kyle, One last question about finder methods to you. We were using powertier application server and we are planning to shift to websphere 4.0. In powertier one writes custom finder method in home interface and one implements that in Bean class. I don't see this in websphere 4.0 here one has to use finder helper classes for it. But we have currently implemented custom finder method which takes custom object as inputs and it returns Enumeration of Custom objects which are not EJBObject. For e.g. Consider custom finder method declared in home interface as follows: Enumeration findByFilter(FilterObject f). Now this enumeration contains Objects of class Table which is not EJBObject. First I don't see this type of implementation in websphere. Am I right? So to accomplish this feature I have to create another layer before calling Entity bean which will do this functionality. Am I right or webshepere will provide this funciotnality? Thanks a lot, Samir
You are right, WebSphere will not provide that functionality (finders that don't return the type of the remote interface). That is not in compliance with the EJB spec. So yes, you'll have to write another layer of software to be in compliance with the spec and make it work in WebSphere. Kyle ------------------ Kyle Brown, Author of Enterprise Java (tm) Programming with IBM Websphere See my homepage at http://members.aol.com/kgb1001001 for other WebSphere information.