I implemented a Topic, where an application client is listening to a Topic, and the message is being published by an
ejb on a server. In this scenario i wrote a message listener class on the client side, i had a start listener method, in which i would do the lookup, create topic connection and start the listener. And the start listener method had to be called/invoked, then only the client would listen to the topic.
If i wanted a MDB to listen to topic, do i need the startlistener method ??
if Yes, who invokes the method ?
if NO, does it mean the MDB is directly bound to the topic ?
Now MDB has an OnMessage() method, in which we write what to do after u get the message ? But my question is how to bind the topic in the first place ?
I know that we can do the settings in the ejb-jar.xml where in you would give the message destination and all. But what about the lookup ? It needs to know the ip address of the topic destination from where it needs to retirieve.
Can some body guide me if i am missing something ?
Meka Toka