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Open Group Certified Distinguished IT Architect. Open Group Certified Master IT Architect. Sun Certified Architect (SCEA).
The main difference between these two methods with regards to CMP entity beans is that this method returns the primary key class in EJB 1.1, and it returns null in EJB2.0. For BMP, I believe there is no difference, they both return the primary key class. Raffi
I don't thing ejbCreate() is different in ejb 1.1 and 2.0 This is what I found in specifications for entity beans (for both bmp & cmp): public PrimaryKeyClass ejbCreate<METHOD>(...); There are zero [13] or more ejbCreate<METHOD>(...) methods, whose signatures match the signatures of the create<METHOD>(...) methods of the entity bean’s home interface. The container invokes an ejbCreate<METHOD>(...) method on an entity bean instance when a client invokes
Please correct me if I am wrong.
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