Hi All,
I have a very complex problem with transaction management. there is a session bean running on one weblogic server that makes a call to another session bean on another weblogic server running on second machine. the calling method has tx attribute as
RequiresNew. The called method has tx attribute as
NotSupported. I What happens is like this:
1. Calling method f1() makes some local database updates
2. then f1 calls f2 on remote weblogic servers.
3.Method f1 finishes and changes in database are committed. However, the control does not come back to calling application.
4.then i see timeoutexception on my server's console as the it waits for the remote weblogic server to complete.
the error message is as follows :
javax.transaction.SystemException: Timeout during commit processing
5. This exception is thrown back to calling client. However, the local database update is not rolled back.
Can anybody explain me what is happening wrong in this scenario.
I am using non-XA driver.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Rashmi Tambe