Hi, I have a question on packaging installation files on WebSphere.
Initially, I deployed my web application on
Tomcat. When it is deployed on WebSphere, I went to the Web application deploying directory (
TEST) of Tomcat, and created the TEST.war file by executing "jar cvf TEST.war *" under the TEST directory. However, this war file is not the only file that deployment needs. The web deployment also needs the data directory (containing a zip file etc.) whose location is specified in "web.xml", the deployment descriptor. I get around this problem by putting the data directory with the same path on the server where the WebSphere resides.
However, this data directory must be configurable by user since it must be writable by everybody. How can I make the war file reflects this flexibility?
Besides, the
servlet init parameter "classpath" is defined in "web.xml" to point to my Tomcat directory and is used to generate URLClassLoader object. The path to the servlet classes certainly changes while being deployed on WebSphere. I am wondering how it still works under WebSphere.
Thanks in advance for your input.