When attempting to set a remote equal to the results of a findByPrimaryKey method call, all that is returned is null. The relevant code is below.
From home class:
public BlueMCBPNetPMPMFactorsEJBRemote findByPrimaryKey(BlueMCBPNetPMPMFactorsEJBPK pk)
throws ObjectNotFoundException, RemoteException, FinderException ;
ejb class:
public BlueMCBPNetPMPMFactorsEJBPK ejbFindByPrimaryKey(BlueMCBPNetPMPMFactorsEJBPK pk) throws ObjectNotFoundException, RemoteException, FinderException {
return pk;
From calling class:
Object obj = ctx.lookup("com/anthem/corp/bms/user/group/benefits/rating/health/blue/BlueMCBPNetPMPMFactorsEJB");
BlueMCBPNetPMPMFactorsEJBHome home = (BlueMCBPNetPMPMFactorsEJBHome) PortableRemoteObject.narrow(obj,BlueMCBPNetPMPMFactorsEJBHome.class);
BlueMCBPNetPMPMFactorsEJBRemote remote = home.findByPrimaryKey(pk);
When this last line runs, the
servlet simply returns 'null' and stops. I've used print lines and know that the home and pk objects are NOT null. Also, the println code in the ejbFindByPrimaryKey method of the ejb does not write to the console. It appears that the method is never being executed but I don't know why.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!