I am Using WSAD 5.1.1 ,J2EE Project(Struts based application). I am developing J2EE Appication. In This application i want to reuse some other application war file(external war file).
*)what are the ways to use that war file in my present application.
*)Import the war file into present webmodule. Its working fine .But I want different way like it should not mix with this web module files
Hi Boyarsky, Thanks for ur reply. The thing is ...how to call this war file in that project ...Can I put that in /WEB-INF/lib? Tell me what r the ways to run the war file like import is the war file is one way like that.
What exactly do you mean by reusing the war file. Are you trying to use some classes int it. You cannot put the war in some lib directory, it wont work.
I mean ... the war file is external file which is exported from diff ear file(diff application).I want to use this war file in new application . so in this application already webcontent is there(web.xml& struts-config.xml). so with out disturbing present application how can i use this war file
Ramesh, That's what I was trying to explain. A WAR can be associated with different EARs without changing anythings. Steps in WSAD: 1) Go to J2EE perspective 2) Expand Enterprise application branch 3) Double click on EAR you want to add the WAR too 4) Click modules tab 5) Add WAR