Choosing an Apps is higly depend on what you need ,
BEA weblogic is a full blown application server and its commerical with many features.you can not use if for deploying you application for commercial use.
Sun Apps 8.1 is free for use for commercial .
Best way for you , IMHO is to get netbeans 4.1 which is boundled with Sun APPs 8.1 and use it to convert your application because it suports both Sun apps and tomcat + very good JSP and EJB development.
there are some other certified APPS like :geronimo from apache , JonAs ,
Jboss and other but i Suggest Sun APPS if you want a free.
for resource :
if you do not know EJB then take a look at SUN j2ee 1.4 tutorial available in sun j2ee site.
for using NetBeans for j2ee developing ,there is a very nice and handy book from netbeans.org which you can get freely.
hope it helps