I defined one-many relation ship in
EJB 2.0.
Parent relation look like this.
* @ejb.interface-method
* @ejb.relation name = "Customer-to-Address"
* role-name = "Customer-has-many-Addresses"
* target-ejb = "AddressBean"
* target-role-name = "Address-has-one-Customer"
* @jboss.relation fk-column = "customerID"
* related-pk-field = "addressID"
* @return
public abstract Collection getAddresses();
* @ejb.interface-method
public abstract void setAddresses (Collection addresses);
child relation look like this
* @ejb.interface-method
* @ejb.relation name = "Customer-to-Address"
* role-name = "Address-has-one-Customer"
* target-ejb = "CustomerBean"
* target-role-name = "Customer-has-many-Addresses"
* target-multiple = "true"
* @jboss.relation fk-column = "addressID"
* related-pk-field = "customerID"
* @return
public abstract CustomerLocal getCustomer();
* @ejb.interface-method
public abstract void setCustomer( CustomerLocal customer );
But when i deploy this jar file I got fallowing error
I am using
jBoss 4.0.2.
"Address-has-one-Customer with multiplicity many using foreign-key mapping is not allowed to have key-fields "
thanking you in advance
best regards
krishna kanth
Did any one of you aware of this problem.