Originally posted by Maarten de Heus:
Communicating between WLS servers should not be a problem. You can use a WLS message bridge to "cross the gap".
MQ comes in when you need to talk to "other" applications written in Cobol or C++ , etc. running on other OS-es like a mainframe.
Maarten , just to understand the second point.Assume I have two application one residing on XP (j2ee application running on IBM websphere app server) and other on mainframe(Cobol application).Now I have to requirement to send daat from j2ee
java application to get that updated in a mainframe DB.
Now my J2ee appplication produces a JMS message and adds to the Q defined in the app server.
Can i not have a IBM webpshere app server running on a mainframe and have the MDB listing to the Q created in my J2EE application app server instance.The MDB then uses some JCA to update the data to the mainframe DB.
Will this approach work?
How does any MQ help in this case?
[ April 21, 2006: Message edited by: raj joe ]